Thursday, December 5, 2013

Chapter 11: Managing Internal Operation Action That Promote Good Strategy Execution


This week I learn about Chapter 11: Managing Internal Operation Action That Promote Good Strategy Execution.

Every organization must have a policies and procedure to guide employees about how certain things must to be done. If have a top-down guidance, the process will be smooth and systematic.

Moreover, help enforce consistency in how strategy-critical activities are performed. There must be enforcement because have punishment and reward. For example, Automated Enforcement System (AES) for monitor the road users but if no enforcement when give the summons but people do not pay.

Furthermore, there are five tools to manage for continuous improvement which are benchmarking, best practice, total quality management (TQM), six sigma and process reengineering.

Benchmarking is the best guideline that the organization can follow. If the organization do something more than benchmark, it is good for the organization and there are perform better than benchmark whereas if do less than benchmark, the organization not perform.

Thank you Miss Ummi


  1. Assalamualikum
    Menarik dan membantu saya untuk mengetahui managing internal Operations
