Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Chapter 4 : Evaluating a Company's Resources, Capabilities, and Competitiveness


Today, I learned about internal environment. Best indicators suitable for implementation based on financial strategic objectives and above-average industry performer.

The important for this topic is the meaning of resources, capabilities and competitive advantage. Resources are a productive input or competitive asset that is owned or controlled by a firm. It can be tangible and intangible resources in the company. Capability is a skill and the capacity to utilize the resources. In my word, competitive advantage is some of the factors that cause others cannot imitate. Once people imitate, we have no competitive advantage anymore such as Toyota started operate with lean manufacturing, but Honda imitate operation system, so Toyota have no competitive advantage.

 Furthermore, identify the company SWOT analysis is important to compete with other company in the market. SWOT Analysis is a powerful tool for sizing up a firm’s:
- Internal strengths (the basis for strategy)
 -Internal weaknesses (deficient capabilities)
 -Market opportunities (strategic objectives)
 -External threats (strategic defences)


For instance, if the workers are lack of skill, company can send them to any seminar or program that related with their courses to encourage and give them more knowledge. The company can make a conclusion and identify the strategy improvement.

  Moreover, value chain identifies the primary internal activities that create and deliver customer value and the requisite related support activities.

Last but not least, benchmarking is involves improving a firm’s internal activities based on learning other companies’ “best practices.

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